How-to Make a Log Bench is a comprehensive look at one of the oldest forms of furniture known to man. The Bench.
When you think about it, one of the earliest forms of furniture was just a couple of rocks with maybe an old log or two. And just why not? Log benches offer a great practical solution to the age old question… where to sit?
Learn how to make a log bench in this comprehensive look at one of the oldest form of furniture know to man.

Log Patio Furniture – Six Piece Matching Set
What is a Bench?
A bench is nothing more than a long flat surface on which multiple people may sit at the same time. Benches are typically made from wood, but may also be made of metal, stone, synthetic materials, or a combination of any of these. Some benches have arm and back rests; others have no back rest and can be used from either side. Benches are often found in public areas and can be used both indoors and outdoors.
How it works!
When you learn how to make log furniture you learn all about physical ergonomics: that’s the science of designing user interaction with equipment and workplaces to fit the user. You learn log furniture can be made to fit all shapes and all sizes.
- The standard bench height is typically between 18″ – 20″. Bench height refers to the distance from the seat to the ground. This height is conducive for most dining tables.
- The standard bench depth is between 15″ and 20″. A bench that is deeper than 20″ might cause discomfort when sitting. Dining table benches are usually no more than 18″ deep.
- The standard bench width is between 42″ and 60″. This depends on the number of people you are looking to seat. 42″ – 52″ benches can accommodate two adults comfortably. Benches between 53″ and 80″ wide are typically for three adults. Any bench more than 80″ wide will easily accommodate four.
The best thing about making log benches is there is no real wrong, or right way to do it. All you need is a little bit of time, a couple choice logs and a few basic tools. The rest is up to you, your imagination, and creative ability.

Log “Love Seat” – short bench for two with arm rests.
Types of Benches
Benches are typically named for the place they are used, not necessarily by their specific design. Park benches for example, are seating places within public parks, and will vary in design as well as the number of people they can seat.
Watch and see how to make a log bench in these YouTube Videos. Or two…or three…well, you get the idea, you can make a log bench any way you like. It’s easy if you try!

Full Log Park and Trail Bench
How to make Live-edge Pine Slab on Log Bench
Next, for an entirely different approach.
How about making benches for your local city park?
Building Public Park Benches – John Venezia Community Park
This little bench works great in the garden.
How-To Make a Rusty Leg Log Bench

Rusty Leg Log Garden Bench
And here’s another log bench for the trail.
Ute Valley Memorial Bench – Colorado Springs

Hand Made Log Bench by Mitchell Dillman
When you make furniture from logs you get to do some great things. Like this bench made for the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region
Watch this video for detailed tips How-to mark out and carve your logs for steel leg park benches, chairs and log love seats.
The Best Log Bench In The World
It’s just as one-of-a-kind as can be!

Bench for Humane Society
Are you ready for more?
Easily make your own log furniture. Quickly learn all of the dimensions and angles needed to make any of the benches featured in this article and more. These down-loadable, step-by-step blueprints are just one click away. o
Click on the image below to learn more!
Click this link if you dare!(just remember to come back someday when you’re done:)
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How-to Carve Armrests For Log Furniture - Log Furniture How To