Once you learn How-to Make a Log Rocking Chair there is a real good chance you won’t be stopping there. Odds are you will want to make many more log rockers. And I should know! By now I’ve made hundreds of log rockers, in all shapes and all sizes…Rocking Log Chairs, Rocking Log Benches, Rocking Log Love Seats, literally hundreds of Rocking Logs Rocking!
It’s been said, I like to rock.

His and Hers Log Rocking Chairs at Rock Ledge Ranch Colorado
It’s the little things that matter most. I use specialty hardware on all my log furniture. Like the blackened, square head lag bolts and washers, they really do make a big difference…because let’s face it, nobody wants to see a shiny nut!
A hand-made log rocking rocking chair is perhaps one of the most rustic forms of furniture for just about any home, cabin or cottage. When you are ready to rock, having a hand-made log rocker is one of the best places to go, and a rocking you will go.
Watch and Learn How-to Make a Log Rocking Chair in the following series of short videos presented by Mitchell Dillman. He likes to rock.
Now We’re Rocking!
Attention Log Furniture Builders!!!
The following videos offer a detailed look into how-to make a log rocking chair assembly process. Pay close attention and you will learn valuable, time-saving tips and tricks to cut, weld and assemble your new log rocking chair. (These same tips and tricks apply to our full line of rocking log furniture.)
Retirement Rockers – His and Hers and One More
When I started making steel rockers there was not a lot of information available on the Internet. It was a trial and error process. The trick to making a rocker rock is all about finding the center of gravity.
Turns out it’s a simple matter of pie and butts. Big butts and pie make’em rock good! Click here now to learn more about >>> How-to Make a Rocking Chair Rock <<<

Log Rocking Chair with Arms – Metal Parts
The following videos are taken from the ‘original’ Colorado Rock-n-Log Legs video eCourse. (“Vintage” Videos only available here!)
How-to Weld a Rocking Chair Part 1
Why rock? Why not rock?
If you had to make the choice, which would you choose… Log Rocking Chair or log lounge chair?
It’s the same chair, only one rocks and one does not.
How-to Weld a Rocking Chair part 2
When it comes right down to it, this Log Rocking Chair design has got to be one of the easiest ways I know how to relax while still sitting in an upright position. Just don’t wait as long as I did to find out for yourself!

Log Rocker for Two
Now that you know how-to make a log rocking chair it’s all up to you. Knowing how and actually getting out there and doing it are two entire different realities…knowing how-to make log furniture is just the start.
XXXL Rocking Chairs – Fun For Everyone
More words go here with links to make rocking chair rock/rocking horse blueprints

Matching Log Rocking Chairs – His and Hers
Welding Steel Rockers How-to
Now, between you and me the only thing keeping you from making a Rocking Love Seat for two, for you, and for her, that blueprint is just one click away >> (Love Rocker) << it’s all just a matter of how long you cut your log!
Be sure a check out our full collection of Log Furniture Blueprints.

Rocking Log Love Seat “Love Rocker” for two. For her and for you.
You are so cool! Thank you for what you do for the planet. For caring about people who care about people and our Earth! You ROCK!
Mitch DillmanAuthor
And Thank You for taking time to stop by, comment and say hi…hope you find what you were looking for and can keep on rockin’ for years to come! 😉 Cheers Dr. Leesa!
How-To Make A Rocking Chair Rock - Log Furniture How To