So just how do you bend metal tubing to make log rocking chairs? That was the question of the day when I set out to make log furniture.
The first thing I wanted to learn how-to make when I started to make log furniture, it was a Log Rocking Chair. At that time, there wasn’t much information about steel Rocking Chairs available online, or what make them rock. So, I went at it on my own, one set of rockers at a time, with my hands on a borrowed HF compression roller-bender, and a head full of hope.

My first set of Metal Rocking Chair Frames in “my shop”.
This is a thorough and detailed look into my journey, how-to bend metal tubing to Make Log Furniture Rock, from finish to start.
It’s a lot like surfing…When you want to bend metal tubing you have to think about it as a hole…on one side you are squeezing and pinching, the other is stretching and growing. If you don’t keep it all lined up you’ll end up in a curl.
Pic #2
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How-To Make A Rocking Chair Rock - Log Furniture How To