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How-to Make Rustic Textured Pinewood Bar Stools

Make Rustic Bar Stools

So you want to make rustic bar stools? Okay then, let’s talk about Pinewood… and Texture

tex·ture /ˈteksCHər/ noun
the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
“wood texture and tone”
Similar: feel, touch, appearance, finish, surface, grain, quality, character, consistency
give (a surface, especially of a wall covering or fabric) a rough or raised texture.

These stools are made from Ponderosa Pinewood harvested from Black Forest, Colorado. They are designed to be used indoors or outdoors. The framework is made from light gauge steel tubing and and can be fabricated with the most basic metal working tools.

Note: If you are new to Do-It-Yourself projects, or perhaps just getting started learning how to weld, click this link to read How-to Mig Weld Log Furniture – A Complete Beginners Guide.

Textured Pinewood Barstool

Why Make Bar Stools?

Bar stools are bar none one of the most popular forms of modern-rustic log furniture going. They are fun to build and easy to make “one-of-a-kind”. That means you can make them uniquely different, but the same, and depending on what kind of look and feel you choose, they can be used in all sorts of environments.

Learn how to make rustic bar stools in this complete video tutorial.

Rustic Textured Pinewood Bar Stool

Click this link now and learn How-to Carve a Wooden Tractor Seat

The amount of time one spends at the bar depends on two things: How friendly is the bartender…how comfortable are the stools?

If you don’t like to look and feel of the Textured Pine and you want something different. Click here now and learn How-to Build Log Bar Stools and Bar Chairs…Click it now and go see for yourself!

Textured Pinewood

Why Pinewood Barstools?

To make rustic barstools all you need is wood and steel. I like to use Pinewood for a variety of reasons:

Pine takes stain well and can be milled, kiln-dried, re-sawn, and laminated into all forms of popular home and office furnishings.

The next time you have an old Pine tree headed to the firewood pile, why not consider taking it to the bar instead…Make Rustic Barstools!

Now Learn tips and tricks How-to assemble your new rustic bar stool is this “vintage” Live Video presentation:


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