So you finally cut down that old dead tree, and now your wife wants a new garden bench. This is when we talk about How-to Hand Peel Logs For Log Furniture.
What is Bark?
What’s the purpose of bark on a tree anyway? The outer bark is the tree’s protection from the outside world. Continually renewed from within, tree bark helps keep out moisture from the elements while preventing the tree from losing moisture when the air is dry.
But what about when you want to make log furniture? You’re going to have to start by peeling some bark.
Mitchell Dillman peeling Wildfire Logs.
By now you probably know, there’s nothing about making log furniture that’s not related to work.
It’s all work and it starts right there with those big heavy logs! One of the first things I do is peel all the bark. It’s a real up close and personal way to see what you’re working with … and now you’re about to find out why they call it work!
Ponderosa Pine Logs – Colorado Springs Sawmill at Penrose, Colorado.
Making log furniture from raw logs is nothing like traditional woodworking projects, except for the wood. By now you know one of the most important tools you will need to craft log furniture is a chainsaw.
So what’s next? What tools do you need to peel logs for log furniture?
It’s all about doing the best you can with what you have.
Hand Peeling Logs To Make Log Furniture
Dry Bark Sheds
Once a tree has been cut down, and the log begins to dry, the bark acts as an insulator keeping the moisture trapped within the log. If you are trying to cure logs for furniture the bark will only slow down this process. The idea here is to remove all the the trapped or “Bound Moisture” from within the log.
Once a log has fully cured, the cambium layer will completely dry out, allowing all the bark to fall off, whether hand-peeled or not. There are only a few species of trees that will not shed their bark as a log completely dries.
It’s a regular part of the furniture making process for me to get out there and hand-peel logs.
The Big Peel
More Log Work
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Freshly Hand-Peeled Christmas Trees
Now that you know how to peel the logs, let’s carve one and make some furniture!
Click here now to learn How-to Make Log Furniture with a Chainsaw